Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 2 - Traveling Vietnam Wall

The 'traveling Veitnam wall memorial' has been in Guntersville this weekend and was still there when I went to town this morning. The pictures don't nearly do it justice - it's actually very reflective, so difficult to get good pics.


Fashion Schlub said...

Look at you, Miss Two Days in a Row!

You could have taken a picture of your reflection in the wall...

Iris said...

I worked REALLY hard to NOT get my reflection in the wall!

Carole and Chewy said...

I had no idea there was a traveling Vietnam memorial - I have friends on that wall. That's a great idea for people who can't make it to D.C.
Carole & Chewy

Iris said...

Actually, I understand there are two traveling around the US - though I wasn't aware of it until the one came here. It got a good bit of press in the area and I think had a good number of visitors.